DaVinciGraph Black Hole V10.0.3158042
Burned Assets
Burn Attempts
Fungible Token Acceptance: The contract is designed to accept any type of fungible token on the Hedera network. These tokens, once transferred, are held indefinitely within the contract.
Irreversible Deposits: The contract is unique in that it offers no withdrawal function. Whether it's the tokens themselves or the fees associated with the burning function, once they are transferred into the contract, they cannot be withdrawn or retrieved. They remain in existence, but are locked away within the contract's address.
Burning Function and Fees: The contract operates a burning function that accepts fungible tokens, with each transaction incurring a fixed fee of 3 hbars. These fees are used for the automatic renewal of the contract on the network, ensuring its continued operation. Importantly, these fees, once paid to the contract, cannot be withdrawn.
Non-Fungible Token Restriction: Despite being able to receive fungible tokens, the contract cannot accept non-fungible tokens due to issues related to unpredictable fallback fees.